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Plan Do Win Planner – 3 Month Undated Planner

$37.99 $34.99

So you want to get that promotion, kickstart your app, understand Chinese, make a documentary, crowdfund a cause, provide solar power for a remote community, scuba in the Maldives … or travel anywhere with that special person? Or do you resolve, more generally, to achieve a better work/life balance, a healthier lifestyle, the creativity and inventiveness of your earlier years?

Hopes, good intentions, New Year’s resolutions – we all have them. But how often do we not follow through to achieve our goals? What if you could find the will and the way to do so ?

The Plan. Do. Win. Planner is the tool designed to help you take your aspirations to success.

Plan. Do. Win. guides brainstorming to clarify goals and priorities, to devise flow charts that model the steps needed, and to diarise stages and events by determining what is urgent and what is merely important.

With Plan. Do. Win. you can prioritise goals; plan, structure and time progress; track and review results, and keep yourself accountable until you achieve success.

With the Plan. Do. Win. Planner your resolution can become reality.

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